Take the damp, drizzly November of your soul and dry it out and cheer it up with some words at Pine Street Station, the wonderful studio of Austin artist Reji Thomas. (That's Reji's painting Eyes to the right.) I'll be reading with my friends, novelist John Domini and poet Alysa Hayes.
John is the author of A Tomb on the Periphery and Earthquake I.D.
Alysa's poetry has appeared in the anthology Two Southwests and in Callaloo and other journals.
(Me you know about....)
This is going to be a lot of fun--we'll be in the middle of the East Austin Studio Tour, with all kinds of activities--painting, sculpture, jewelry, music, food, fire-dancers, earthquakes, meteors--all kinds!
Please come....
400pm-630pm, November 21
Pine Street Station
1101 E 5th