In 2010 the house was for rent at that time—I thought, If I get the job, would it be weird to live here…?
A voice answered—Yes, Lowell, it would be very fucking weird.
(I did not get the job. Which is a good thing! (No offense, Wayne State)).
This house below—the house next door—didn’t exist in 1965—it was a vacant lot

Look at this ditch above!
Doesn’t seem like much—I think it’s been filled in. But 55 (!) years ago it was pretty deep—about head-high on a first grader. We could play army in the ditches, hide from the pedos, if girls were around we’d play Family (I always got delegated to be Brother, which was uninspiring). The ditches led to culverts that ran under the streets, and those were cool and scary, too—you could hear cars thumping overhead….
I’ve only written one story set in Wayne. It’s about playing in the ditches and storm sewers and hiding from the pedos…and it sadly doesn’t work. POV problems. Maybe I should figure out a way to fix it….
The kindle editions are at a special pandemic/holiday price!