A plan? Me? I'm an improvisationalist, or try to be.
But I did have a plan, kinda.
I like my house a lot—it’s comfortable and pleasant at all times. But it’s not tornado-proof. And there are no inside, windowless rooms in which to hide. What then should I do to sit out the cyclone?
I improvised.
The car is in the garage, right? A room faced on three sides by other rooms, with one big opening on the outside, but shut the garage door and you’re totally inside. And if you’re in the car, seat-belted and air-bagged, you're doubly inside. Right? Maybe. So I grabbed jump bag with my meds and books and Dr. Pepper, and a flash drive with my current writing (also saved to Dropbox), and I tossed it all in the car.
After a few minutes, the community tornado sirens went off. I did not get in the car. I stood out on the porch and watched the storm.
Yeah, I was one of those dumb people who stand outside gawking at the storm. But the storm of course was sublime!
Also—big world, small tornado.
At any rate, here is some appropriate music....