Links to a few things of interest….
Study shows that writing helps keep the brain healthy...Brain plasticity is a hot topic right now—no doubt a result of Nicholas Carr’s popular but disappointing book, The Shallows. So maybe I won’t get Alzheimer’s. One less thing to worry about.
Only Children Not So Lonely….I could have told the researchers this! The only children=lonely children concept is spread by people who grew up with siblings and cannot conceive of the pleasures of childhood solitude. Now we need to get busy and demolish the concept that only children=spoiled and selfish children.
James Dickey’s Deliverance turns 40….I’ve always liked this novel a lot—the movie, too. Though as a West Virginian I have several times been on the end (yes) of rude “hillbilly sodomite” comments—the ignorant commenters not realizing that the book is set in Georgia! Still, it’s a fine novel. Does anyone teach it?
Best Practices for Teaching with Twitter. I’m using social networking in my classes this fall—Twitter and Facebook both. I’m not certain how it will turn out, but it should prove interesting….